Friday, October 16, 2009

Stuff you should probably know about me, except you probably don't care.

I figured that since no one is reading this anyways, I'd write about myself.

I grew up in Everett, WA. Which is basically a little gang town north of Seattle. It's also a convergence zone. Which means it rains all the effing time. Yeah, it sucked, but I love it and can't wait to go back this Christmas.

I'm a spelling nazi. I always correct everyone. All the time. I can't help it. It's impossible not to. I blame my sister. She's basically a human dictionary. You hear that, Moo? Your fault.

I swear like a f*cking sailor. I have since I was 8 and my best friend Kayla taught me how. I try to stop, then I get really frustrated and give up. Yeah, I'm a quitter. Get over it.

I like boys. A lot. Even though I haven't had a boyfriend in basically forever. I want one, but they sadly do not want me back.

I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. Everyone says to do what you love and to try to make money off of it, but I love too much. I love animals, and sleep, and babies, and baby animals, and singing, and preforming, and design, and the tv show Bones. It's too hard to choose. I think i'm going to be an anthropology major, with a possible double in international studies. But i'm not sure. It's too hard. How are we supposed to choose what to do with the rest of our lives at 18? It's ridiculous. I don't even know what I want to eat for breakfast tomorrow. I'm very indecisive. It's not a good quality.

I'm rude. And in your face. And honest, brutally so. And a bitch. I would have put that first but i don't think putting bitch in bold is a great idea. Because of the children, damnit. :]

Sorry this post kinda sucked, but I thought I should get that out of the way.


Tony said...

Whoa...I'm planning on moving to Everett sometime next year. I live in Tacoma, and work in Seattle. It's a bitch to commute...


As for the whole "what are you going to do for the rest of your life" bull crap. Don't worry about it too much. You'll eventually figure it out.

Pia said...

Hey there, thanks for following. Thought I'd come over to say hi.

I'm almost 23, I'm in my 7th semester at University and I still don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life. So don't worry about that. :) There's still plenty of time to figure that out!