Saturday, October 17, 2009

Things I Want to Take Behind the Middle School and Get Pregnant

I don't mean that literally. It means things that I love, but I like this title better. I got the idea from my male, asian alter ego. It basically rocks. And so does he, go look at him.

1. Glee. 'Nuff said. Except for there wasn't, because almost nothing I could say could capture the vast awesomeness that is Glee.

2. Smoothies. They basically need their own food group. Since I got to college, they are my dietary staple. They are so so so so so good. In fact I'm going to go get one soon with Manda, who lives across the hall.

3. Flip flops. Especially the ones from Old Navy. I have every color and wear them everywhere until it snows. And even sometimes I do then too. I'd rather be barefoot, but most people frown upon walking around wth no shoes on a college campus. And in downtown Seattle, because if you don't wear shoes there it means your a hobo. And they chase you. But I have no experience with that. Nope... None...

4. Stuffed animals. I don't know why, but they make me happy.

5. Hershey's Chocolate Bar with almonds. They are like heaven in a wrapper. I can eat them by the case. Or at least I think I could.

6. Hand sanitizer. I hate it when my hands smell. Or feel dirty. Or anything like that. I use it religiously. I love it, and always have it with me.

7. Mechanical pencils. Remember when you actually had to get up and walk across the room when you broke your pencil. Or... *GASP*... actually sharpen one by hand with those tiny ones, that sometimes came in ironic ways. [Like a nose. I saw one of those today and just about died laughing.]

8. Garmin. Or any other GPS unit. I get lost a lot. I also get lost easily. Simple directions are much too hard for my little brain to handle. I'm right brained** so I am more artistic. Describe the tree where I need to turn, not the street. I am so not good with streets. I also do not know my left from right most of the time. I have this strange bump I have had since forever on my middle left finger from writing and thats the only way I can tell. Wow run on sentence. GPS is basically made for people like me. Except it kind of feels condesending occasionally... Why can't it be in, like... Mr. Roger's voice. I loved that guy. And he was never condesending. Ever. And wore cardigans. Which are amazing.

9. Whipped cream. And not in a dirty way. I can eat this stuff with a spoon. Some people think that's gross, but it is not. Whipped cream is thebest man made substance ever. I love it to death.

10. The number 13. It's my favorite number. Always has been. Plus, supersticious (sp?) people think it's evil, which rocks. :] Oh wait, there is a reason I love it, but it's a very sad story and shall be saved for a sad day.

**I just had to run across the hall and ask Manda which side of the brain was artistic. I'm that cool.

1 comment:

Tony said...

Merkin is always carrying hand sanitizer. People always make fun of her about it, but they'll be sorry when they catch swine flu...

Sweet blog though. Thanks for mentioning my blog. haha.