Friday, October 30, 2009

I'll name this later... possibly

Song of the day: Defying Gravity - Idina Menzel in Wicked

Tomorrow is Halloween. I live on a college campus. You know what that means... Alcohol. Lots of it. And candy, almost as much as there is alcohol. I don't get why college students use every possible opportunity to drink, but i'm not gonna complain. Halloween also means lots of girls dressed in basically nothing, and guys dressed in something ironic/funny. For a party last weekend my friend Kyle dressed up as a sexy cowboy, which was hillarious. Here:

That's my roommate, Kyle, and a bunch of other people last weekend.

If I go to any parties this weekend, i'm going as Waldo: The Girl Version. And i'm going to sneak into everyone's pictures. I'm pretty excited. :]

Anyways... I fucked up my knee. Badly. Over a week ago. And It still hurts. Basically all the time. Except now it's starting to move to my entire leg, which is just lovely.
I can't seem to type, which you can't tell because i'm attempting to fix it.
But my typing sucks.
Plus, it's almost time to move my laundry to the dryers.
So bye.
Maybe i'll write something better later.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I love coming up with random blog names that have nothing to do with anything in the actual post. Chocobunk is what I called chocolate milk when I was little. I still call it that. The only difference is now I know better, I think.

My week has been pretty uneventful. Except for the concert. Ohh, yeah. That.

Y'all know who that is? Gabe Saporta. COBRA STARSHIP. No? Nothing? Well, whatever. I'll tell you anyways.

Victoria's Secret had this contest thing that I had no idea about, and apparently our school won. So we got a free concert. Not just a concert, the concert. Cobra Starship and Girl Talk. Came to IU. And gave a show. Free. It was basically the best ever.
This group called Dot Dot Dot played too, but they were just the opener and sucked big time. They had this bassist who was probably 60 at least and was singing Lady Gaga and grinding all over the place. It was barfy. Wanna see Roomie's face when it happened?

Yep. That tiny asian is my roommate. She is actually really cool. And that guy in the back who looks like he's thinking too hard? That's Kyle. He is the most amazing gay man I have ever met.

ANYWAYS... Cobra ruled. I fell in love with them. And now my iTunes is full. Which is a great sign for them. Gabe told us to illegally download his songs. He told us to. He doesn't want us to buy their stuff, but whatever floats his boat. :]

That night I messed up my knee really bad, and it still hurts. So blah. I just think I'll complain some more.
Or maybe nap.
I'm boring today.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


First order of business...

K, now that we've established that...

Everyone is doing dating histories lately. So I thought I would do mine. Even though I am younger, I have some stupid exs [exes, ex's??]

Andrew was my first boyfriend, at the age of 12. He was also my first kiss, during a crazy game of truth or dare. He dumped me a week or so later because his friend told him to. You know how he dumped me? He yelled it to the entire bus. Which is humiliating when your 12.

I had a few boyfriends in between Andrew and Cody, but I can't remember their names. So we'll go straight to Cody. He was my first 'love' at 14. Well, I thought he was but I actually wasn't until later. Anyways... Cody was your typical bad boy. And I like me my bad boys. We went out for like 3 months freshman year. During which point he cheated on my at least 2 times. Once with my best friend since the 7th grade. I still haven't forgiven her. I almost let him take my virginity too, but I chickened out. YAY! Needless to say I dumped him.

Now that I am actually trying to write this, I can't think of basically anyone that I dated. All well. Next came AJ. I never actually dated him, but he's important. I lost my v-card to him summer after freshman year. He was the big jock on campus, and is still reallllly hot. We continued to hook up until I moved away my junior year. But, he's the reason I became a slut.

Ryan was this guy that I knew through mutual friends, and who had had a crush on me for years. But I never wanted him. Wanna know why? He was fat. Not cute fat, but HUGE. And slightly smelly. But he had a car my sophomore year, when no one else did. So I went out with him for the car. It was a really strange few months. I can't remember most of it, and I am sure that I blocked it out.

I dumped Ryan for Sam. Sam wanted to take me to prom and Ryan did it. End of story. I had never actually spoken to the guy, but our mutual friend said he was obsessed with liked me. We went to prom and had an amazing time. And saw each other basically every day afterwards for nearly 6 months. Except for the times when he was in Europe or I was. He was a guitar player. And he was really romantic and sweet. At first. Then he became obsessed with the sex aspect of the relationship. Plus, he wasn't entirely over his ex. But we did stay together for almost 6 months. Until he cheated. Then lied about it and dumped me. And that is the lovely time when my body decided, HEY! She's completely depressed, let's knock her up! So, I was pregnant too. With his baby. Which sucked. You'll get the full baby story sometime in the future because it's just too long.

I never dated David either, but I was going to before my dad made me move across the country. David was the guy who helped my best friend pick up the pieces that were left of my life. In the span of just a few weeks, I had messed my life up pretty completely [which is another long and depressing story. You'll get it later too], and he helped me feel better. I really did love him, and I still miss him sometimes.

Jake was one of the first guys I dated when I got to Indiana. He was the complete opposite of Sam in basically every way, which I loved. Plus, he was freaking hillarious. We went out for a month before we both figured out we were better off friends. And he was my best friend for a long time afterwards. Till he wasn't. Damn, I have a lot of really sad and long stories.

Michael was the last real boyfriend that I had. We started dating junior year and dated on and off for an entire year. I really liked him, possibly loved, but he was a headcase. He's nearly 20 now I think, or maybe he already is, and he graduated with my class. He has no sense of good/bad or right/wrong and no common sense. To put it plainly, he was an idiot. Who lived with his mom, dealt drugs, and cheated a lot. I am not quite sure why I put up with it, other than when he wasn't high he was amazing, but only if we were alone. If his friends were around he was a complete dick to anyone and everyone, especially me. Once, he was trying to win me back and took me to Olive Garden, which is my favorite restarant. Not only did he ask if the water was free, he bought the cheapest thing on the menu and didn't eat it, then he didn't have enough to pay for it. Classy huh? I'm glad to be rid of him to be honest. But a guy like him is really difficult to recover from.

Well that was it. The main boys in my life. Boring huh?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Apparently people who go away to college are supposed to be homesick. My roommate is, my friends are, but I am not. I miss my cat. Plain and simple. Sure, I miss my mom and sister and dog and even my stepmom's cooking, but I miss my cat the most.

Her name is Bella, and we got her for free. She was a present for my 17th birthday. She's all black except for two white patches, one on her chest and one in between her back legs. We had to bottle feed her when we first got her. And by 'we' I mean 'I'. She's really curious and really adorable. And I love her. The picture below reminded me of her, since she does that whole sitting on the keyboard thing. She will try and catch my mouse.

Last night I called my dad and apparently the phone was up really high, because he says she was looking around for me since she could hear my voice. I just about died.

My dad says she would just run around the house crying all the time for like a month after I left. I miss my baby. :[

And yes, I did just do a whole post devoted to my cat.
Who is below.

But she was really little. Like the first day we got her.
And she slept in a box on my bed, because I was afraid I would roll over and squish her.

Tony's Prize(s)

He wants a prize for reading the entirety of that last blog.

Yeah yeah. I got a little carried away. But it was only because I was at this amazing website.
You'll love it too.
And your welcome Tony.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Blogging is addicting

Soo anyways...
I had my philosophy midterm today. I'm not quite sure why I took philosophy in the first place because
a. I am so not a deep thinker.
b. I suck at arguing. Anything. Even things I strongly agree with.

But, I wrote for 40 minutes straight. On the stupidest topic on the planet:

Why are scripture, visual perception through physical senses, and the answering of prayers aren't good reasons to claim that God exists.

The answer:

None of them prove anything.

Yep, that's right. That was the basis of my essay.
Keep in mind that we have had these essay promt things for about a month now, and I literally started preparing last night.
I rock.
I think i'll probably pass.
I hope.
Cuz if not my dad will give me less money, and it's hard enough to live on $30 a week.

That's something else.
My dad and stepmom won't let me get a job.
Because i'm still 12 apparently.
But that isn't surprising.
They've always treated me like that.
All well.

Michael Jackson just came on my iTunes.
And i'm dancing in my chair.
Billie Jean is not my lovaaaa.
I love him.
Straight up.
But I think he was hottest when he was still black.

Sexy right? :]
Even though there was probably a few surgeries already at this point.

Have you noticed that this is basically a really long blog about nothing?
And you read the whole thing.
Go you.

Things I Dislike Strongly

Because hate is a strong word.
I do hate some of them.
And others I just want to go away and never ever ever come back again.

1. Butterflies. I know, they're pretty, right? Well that's too bad. I have a very irrational fear [yes, I do know that it's irrational to be afriad of butterflies] that the butterflies will eat us all one day. But it isn't just butterflies. It's moths too. I know, I am a horrible person for thinking they are evil. But they are. They will kill us all. That's the secret of hoe the dinosaurs went extinct.

2. Caramel. It's just sticky and strange and icky. I don't like the consistancy or how it makes it difficult to swallow. I don't have this problem with peanut butter however. I love peanut butter.

3. Pants. I think they are really pointless. Well, ok, not pointless necessarily, but very annoying. Who's idea was it for us to stuff our big butts into tight denim pants that usually don't even look that good? A MAN, that's who. Plus, my thighs rub together because i'm not teeny, so I get these annoying rub out areas in between my legs which occasionally result in holes. In my crotch area. Which is annoying. Sweat pants are my favorite thing ever, and I own like 50 pairs, because they are the only kind of pants I approve of.

4. Shoes. Well... I love shoes actually. I love buying pretty ones, like heels, on the off-chance that I have to wear them some day. But I hate actually wearing shoes. I would go bare foot all day if I could. But as I said earlier, it's looked down upon.

5. Math. When am I ever going to need to factor a trinomial in my life? WHEN? Never. I plan on doing something that has nothing to do with math. I am currently in my 3rd year of algebra, actually 4th... counting algebra 2, and that's only because I can't see the point. It isn't practical to fill our brains up with this useless math stuff when we could be filling it up with useful things, like spelling.

6.Bugs. Yep, bugs in general. My dad told my I should be an entomologist. Aka a bug scientist. He's a cruel man. Bugs freak me out. The other day I took a shower about half as long as usual because there were those shower bugs in there. They were ew.

7. Having a song stuck in my head and not remember all of the lyrics. Yep, that pisses me off. Especially if I am trying to sleep.

Well, I'm out of ideas.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Douche canoe

K, so first order of business...
Allie is doing a drunk blog, so go read it. NOW. I'm pretty sure it will be more entertaining that whatever else your doing. Except your reading this... so continue and read it later.

Now that that is over with, a funny conversation between Lily, Amanda, and I.
Lily (to Amanda): You know if you were shorter you wouldn't have as far to get up
Amanda: Yeah, but then I would drown first in a flood.
Me: But you will get struck by lightning first.
Amanda: Not if I crouch.
Me: Yeah, but then you die in the flood.

Yeah. I know. That was an amazing comeback, and I didn't even have to think.
I rock.

My foot itches.
I know that when your palms itch it means your supposed to come into money, so what does it mean when the palms of your feet itch?
I may have to go Google it.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Things I Want to Take Behind the Middle School and Get Pregnant

I don't mean that literally. It means things that I love, but I like this title better. I got the idea from my male, asian alter ego. It basically rocks. And so does he, go look at him.

1. Glee. 'Nuff said. Except for there wasn't, because almost nothing I could say could capture the vast awesomeness that is Glee.

2. Smoothies. They basically need their own food group. Since I got to college, they are my dietary staple. They are so so so so so good. In fact I'm going to go get one soon with Manda, who lives across the hall.

3. Flip flops. Especially the ones from Old Navy. I have every color and wear them everywhere until it snows. And even sometimes I do then too. I'd rather be barefoot, but most people frown upon walking around wth no shoes on a college campus. And in downtown Seattle, because if you don't wear shoes there it means your a hobo. And they chase you. But I have no experience with that. Nope... None...

4. Stuffed animals. I don't know why, but they make me happy.

5. Hershey's Chocolate Bar with almonds. They are like heaven in a wrapper. I can eat them by the case. Or at least I think I could.

6. Hand sanitizer. I hate it when my hands smell. Or feel dirty. Or anything like that. I use it religiously. I love it, and always have it with me.

7. Mechanical pencils. Remember when you actually had to get up and walk across the room when you broke your pencil. Or... *GASP*... actually sharpen one by hand with those tiny ones, that sometimes came in ironic ways. [Like a nose. I saw one of those today and just about died laughing.]

8. Garmin. Or any other GPS unit. I get lost a lot. I also get lost easily. Simple directions are much too hard for my little brain to handle. I'm right brained** so I am more artistic. Describe the tree where I need to turn, not the street. I am so not good with streets. I also do not know my left from right most of the time. I have this strange bump I have had since forever on my middle left finger from writing and thats the only way I can tell. Wow run on sentence. GPS is basically made for people like me. Except it kind of feels condesending occasionally... Why can't it be in, like... Mr. Roger's voice. I loved that guy. And he was never condesending. Ever. And wore cardigans. Which are amazing.

9. Whipped cream. And not in a dirty way. I can eat this stuff with a spoon. Some people think that's gross, but it is not. Whipped cream is thebest man made substance ever. I love it to death.

10. The number 13. It's my favorite number. Always has been. Plus, supersticious (sp?) people think it's evil, which rocks. :] Oh wait, there is a reason I love it, but it's a very sad story and shall be saved for a sad day.

**I just had to run across the hall and ask Manda which side of the brain was artistic. I'm that cool.

Glee obsession...

Lately, I’ve discovered a new obsession…

With the TV show Glee, on Fox. It’s about a high school Glee Club, and it rocks. Their voices are beyond amazing. And the acting is actually not half bad. I love performing, and I sing as well, and it’s my dream to do something like they are.

They do so many amazing things with songs, and I can’t stop YouTubing them. [YouTubing is now a word.]

Here's a little taste of my new love...

Your welcome.
Another post coming soon, something relevant. I promise.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Stuff you should probably know about me, except you probably don't care.

I figured that since no one is reading this anyways, I'd write about myself.

I grew up in Everett, WA. Which is basically a little gang town north of Seattle. It's also a convergence zone. Which means it rains all the effing time. Yeah, it sucked, but I love it and can't wait to go back this Christmas.

I'm a spelling nazi. I always correct everyone. All the time. I can't help it. It's impossible not to. I blame my sister. She's basically a human dictionary. You hear that, Moo? Your fault.

I swear like a f*cking sailor. I have since I was 8 and my best friend Kayla taught me how. I try to stop, then I get really frustrated and give up. Yeah, I'm a quitter. Get over it.

I like boys. A lot. Even though I haven't had a boyfriend in basically forever. I want one, but they sadly do not want me back.

I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. Everyone says to do what you love and to try to make money off of it, but I love too much. I love animals, and sleep, and babies, and baby animals, and singing, and preforming, and design, and the tv show Bones. It's too hard to choose. I think i'm going to be an anthropology major, with a possible double in international studies. But i'm not sure. It's too hard. How are we supposed to choose what to do with the rest of our lives at 18? It's ridiculous. I don't even know what I want to eat for breakfast tomorrow. I'm very indecisive. It's not a good quality.

I'm rude. And in your face. And honest, brutally so. And a bitch. I would have put that first but i don't think putting bitch in bold is a great idea. Because of the children, damnit. :]

Sorry this post kinda sucked, but I thought I should get that out of the way.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Trevor attacks.

Soooooo basically... last night was terrifying. I decided to go to bed early. An hour later I was still awake because I have no life and basically troll blogs and play Farmville all day, so I got up to pee. Which was stupid.

There was a giant 2 inch long cockroach in the bathroom.

Which is SOOO not fun to discover when your peeing.

This is the conversation I had with myself:
Me: Finish peeing or run out screaming with no pants?
Myself: Finish peeing.
I: RUNNNNNN!! Its a fucking cockroach you crazy!!

I did, in fact, finish. By which point I was hyperventilating and in all out freak-out mode. Bugs are really up there on my list of shit-that-I-never-want-to-see-while-peeing. Or ever for that matter. Cockroaches are just under butterflies on the scary bugs list. Oh yeah, and btw, I like lists.
What was I talking about?
Oh yeah...

So I ran across the hall to my friends' dorm, and basically ran in and started squeaking and jumping in circles.
I'm pretty sure I sounded like a bat.
And Manda went into the bathroom to look at the offending alienbug.
Then promptly ran out again.

I went to the older girls on my floor to see if they had a guy in their room to get the bug OUT.
They did not, but one almost threw up.
Then my lovely RA decided to tell us that if you squish a cockroach you get tapeworms from its stomach.

Long story short, we found a guy with a big boot to kill it. Then suite-mate Caro and I cleaned up the bathroom. She picked up the remaining bits with a giant trash bag on her arm, and I mopped.
It was icky.
Just saying.

Anyways, apparently my RA lied, and you can't get tapeworms from cockroaches unless you basically eat them raw... Which is good I guess.

Oh, and my roommate decided to name the cockroach Trevor.
Needless to say, he did not get a funeral.

Now to find out how the hell he got in there...

No Experience Whatsoever?

Hey, ya'll.
I've never blogged before, so sorry in advance for sucking.
I have basically no life experience.
At all.
I enjoy the spacebar far too much, obviously.
I hope you like me?