Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Apparently people who go away to college are supposed to be homesick. My roommate is, my friends are, but I am not. I miss my cat. Plain and simple. Sure, I miss my mom and sister and dog and even my stepmom's cooking, but I miss my cat the most.

Her name is Bella, and we got her for free. She was a present for my 17th birthday. She's all black except for two white patches, one on her chest and one in between her back legs. We had to bottle feed her when we first got her. And by 'we' I mean 'I'. She's really curious and really adorable. And I love her. The picture below reminded me of her, since she does that whole sitting on the keyboard thing. She will try and catch my mouse.

Last night I called my dad and apparently the phone was up really high, because he says she was looking around for me since she could hear my voice. I just about died.

My dad says she would just run around the house crying all the time for like a month after I left. I miss my baby. :[

And yes, I did just do a whole post devoted to my cat.
Who is below.

But she was really little. Like the first day we got her.
And she slept in a box on my bed, because I was afraid I would roll over and squish her.

1 comment:

Tony said...

What a cute kitty. Yes, sometimes I think pets are better than people. Pets never let you down.