Saturday, November 14, 2009

Maybe This Time

So basically, I just finished buying the entire Glee CD, and my life is completely.. uhm... complete? That sentence didn't come out right. But anyways... I just read this post that Tony did, and it made me think. It was about dating. And everything he said was completely true. Ok, so I am pretty sure that I am spelling completely wrong. I am huh? All well. As I was saying, Tony gets it. And the post reminded me high school. Good lord I cannot type. I’m fixing it for you but I am missing like half of the letters, and all the other words are spelled wrong. Goodness. I am ADD tonight.

What was I saying? Oh yeah, high school. I dated a lot of guys. I was kind of a whore. Without the kind of. I got to the point during my sophomore and junior years that I could just ignore a guy for a week or so if liked him, then simply smile at him and give him a compliment and he was mine, and would do anything I wanted. I loved the power. Boys, no matter how sweet and innocent a girl looks, she loves the power you give her. I became addicted to it. I would tired of guys very soon after I got them, so most of my relationships didn’t last too long. I was a horrible girlfriend. I was way too flirty, and cheated a lot. I am not quite sure how I got all of those guys to go crazy over me in retrospect. I was horrible.

Anyways, you heard my boyfriend history. That’s a story all of its own. I finally did fall in love with Sam. But it couldn’t keep me from cheating. I hated myself, but I couldn’t stop. I saw good looking boys everywhere I looked, and would imagine the ways I could get them to want me, what I would do to torture them. Because I loved it, the torture part. The part where they were obsessed with the chase, or what they thought was a chase. Really it was me manipulating them. I loved it, and I am pretty sure most girls do it a few times in their lives.

Then I moved to Indiana with my dad. Which is a horrible story, I’m putting off all of the horrible stories huh? Anyways… I was still a whore. There weren’t as many guys in the little small town in Indiana though. But I still kept up the games. Until I met Michael. I met him while I was dating this kid Jake, who I liked, but he was just a game. [A very fun one too. I got him to leave his girlfriend for me. Yes, I know I am a horrible person. Shut up.] But when I met Michael, or Finley as everyone knew him as, I couldn’t see anyone else. I tried to trap him, and it didn’t work. He was 3 steps ahead of me the whole time. He made me chase him. Not to mention he was gorgeous, and funny, and sweet. I was screwed.

I did end up dating him on and off for a long time. I loved him head over heels. When I was with him, I never saw any other guys. I only saw him. It was amazing. A total transformation of the whore to the loving girlfriend. Unfortunately, he wasn’t as changed. He was a man-whore. He cheated, he lied, he was cheap, and he treated me like shit. I didn’t even see it for a long time, I was too blinded by love and by all of his good qualities that I didn’t see the bad ones. I broke up with him so many times, but he kept crawling back and I kept falling for it. Over and over and over. At one point when he decided to start speaking to me again he had a new girlfriend. He didn’t even tell me about her. He cheated on her with me. I didn’t even find out until much later. When I found out we were at a movie theatre about 20 miles away from where I lived. I started walking home. He chased after me, and convinced me all over again. By the end of our relationship I was a wreck. What finally made me realize what exactly was going on was on one of our ‘dates’. He was trying to win me back so he took me to my favorite restaurant, Olive Garden. He said he would pay. He was too cheap, and made me pay for most of it. He also promised we’d go to a movie, but we didn’t do that either. It was ‘too expensive’. I think we ended up having bad sex in the back of his P.O.S. car behind some store. Hobby Lobby if I remember correctly. After that, I just couldn’t deny it. He was bad for me, and he wasn’t going to change. So I ended it for good.

So I totally get what Tony is getting at, and it is totally true. You meet someone and they totally knock you on your ass. Just make sure when you land there you keep your eyes open.

Update: I just looked up completely on Word and apparently I was spelling it right, yay me.

Update x2: I figured you should know what he looks like, so you can feel my pain. Plus, I would love to brag. Sorry about the terrible quality.

1 comment:

Tony said...

whoa! You dated that guy from 17 Again? Crazy! Jay kay!

This post reminded me of a conversation I had with one of my friends back in the day. You know how it used to be the guys that always take advantage of girls? These days, it's the complete opposite.

But I don't know if this Michael guy made you fall on your ass. In my opinion he made you fall on your face. You know what I mean? fall for someone for all the wrong reasons? One day, you'll meet someone that will make you fall on your ass in a good way. Michael's your Candy.