Monday, November 16, 2009

It's Love <3

This post is going to be extremely sappy, rambly, and gay. If you have an aversion to any of those, I advise skipping it. It’s a post about my best friend. Her name is Kayla Elise Maldonado. [We have the same middle name, cool huh?] She has been my best friend since the first day of the 3rd grade. I was a new kid at school, which I was used to since I moved a lot, and she came over and talked to me. Then we played at recess. I miss those days. So simple. Anyways, Kayla is still my best friend, ten years later. We have been through everything together. I have severe depression and I am slightly bi-polar, so not many people can put up with me, but she keeps me sane even when I am in the middle of going crazy. She is the one person I can count on through everything, and I trust her more than anyone in the world, even more than my family, because well… She picked me, they’re stuck with me. When I am in a mood when I hate everything and everyone in the world, I talk to her. She makes everything better by just listening. She is the only person in my life who will just listen and not try to fix everything, and I love that. Kayla and I have stuck by each other through everything these past ten years. And we have honestly only had one serious fight. And that was even just me being stupid and overreacting. Kayla is the most patient, caring, smart, and wonderful people I know. I have no idea where I would be in my life now if it wasn’t for her pulling me through. When I moved to Indiana, my dad wouldn’t let me call anyone. When he finally let me call someone, I called her, and hearing her voice made me start to bawl. She was at work and she even took the time to talk to me for a little while. I miss her every day, and I hate us being so far away. Her family is going through some really hard times right now, and I hate that I can’t be there with her to help her through it. I love you Kayla Elise, don’t you ever forget that.

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