Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Yeia Sas

I know that I already did an about me post, but it was really boring. Plus, it really was not very informative as to my personality/life. So here goes a new, improved, and hopefully better version.

My best friend is half Mexican.

I’ve worn glasses since I was 5, and I used to think that if I ate with them on they would fall off, so I’d take them off to eat.

I love coffee, but mostly the specialty kinds. Like chai lattes, pumpkin spice lattes, and other things of that sort. I am addicted and will probably never be cured.

My dad has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He’s in remission. He didn’t even tell me he had it.

I want to be an anthropologist… as of right now anyways. I think it would be really interesting and I get to travel a lot which I love.

I’m taking Modern Greek as my foreign language, and I love it.

I’m usually not a very deep thinker. I accept things at face value, and I’m ok with not knowing everything.

I have a brother and a sister. They are the only ones I count, because technically I have a sister, a half-brother, a half-sister, a step-brother, a step-sister, and a step-sister in law. But I only count my older brother [half-brother] Josh, and my little sister Molly.

During my lifetime, I have had 5 grandmothers, and only 2 grandpas. One of those grandmas is my step-mom’s mom, so she really doesn’t count.

My hair changes colors depending on the season. It’s lighter in summer and darker in winter.

My eyes also change color, depending on what I’m wearing and my mood.

I’ve been to Europe. I went the summer before junior year, and I loved it. I want to go back to London and Dublin someday.

I’m a Leo, and I embody everything a Leo is supposed to be.

My cousin was born the day after me, and we look like twins.

I love musicals, operas, and plays. I love seeing people pour their hearts out onto the stage. I also love performing, but I’m not that great at it. I’m not the most believable actress.

I’m a first alto, but I can sing first soprano parts.

I used to chew my nails, before that I sucked my thumb, and now I chew my lip. I have a strange oral fixation.

I love to drive. It calms me down and takes my mind off of my life for a while. It’s peaceful.

I want to learn to play the piano. I think it would be so cool.

I sing, and so does my mom. I get it from her.

That’s all I can think of. I may update this occasionally. I don’t know yet.


Tony said...

Piano's probably the greatest instrument ever. If you know learn how to play piano, then you can pretty much learn how to play all other instruments with ease. Except for drums. Now, I really want a Starbucks.

juliaelise said...

I do too. It's ok.
And I also combined do and too and typed doo.