Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Yeia Sas

I know that I already did an about me post, but it was really boring. Plus, it really was not very informative as to my personality/life. So here goes a new, improved, and hopefully better version.

My best friend is half Mexican.

I’ve worn glasses since I was 5, and I used to think that if I ate with them on they would fall off, so I’d take them off to eat.

I love coffee, but mostly the specialty kinds. Like chai lattes, pumpkin spice lattes, and other things of that sort. I am addicted and will probably never be cured.

My dad has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He’s in remission. He didn’t even tell me he had it.

I want to be an anthropologist… as of right now anyways. I think it would be really interesting and I get to travel a lot which I love.

I’m taking Modern Greek as my foreign language, and I love it.

I’m usually not a very deep thinker. I accept things at face value, and I’m ok with not knowing everything.

I have a brother and a sister. They are the only ones I count, because technically I have a sister, a half-brother, a half-sister, a step-brother, a step-sister, and a step-sister in law. But I only count my older brother [half-brother] Josh, and my little sister Molly.

During my lifetime, I have had 5 grandmothers, and only 2 grandpas. One of those grandmas is my step-mom’s mom, so she really doesn’t count.

My hair changes colors depending on the season. It’s lighter in summer and darker in winter.

My eyes also change color, depending on what I’m wearing and my mood.

I’ve been to Europe. I went the summer before junior year, and I loved it. I want to go back to London and Dublin someday.

I’m a Leo, and I embody everything a Leo is supposed to be.

My cousin was born the day after me, and we look like twins.

I love musicals, operas, and plays. I love seeing people pour their hearts out onto the stage. I also love performing, but I’m not that great at it. I’m not the most believable actress.

I’m a first alto, but I can sing first soprano parts.

I used to chew my nails, before that I sucked my thumb, and now I chew my lip. I have a strange oral fixation.

I love to drive. It calms me down and takes my mind off of my life for a while. It’s peaceful.

I want to learn to play the piano. I think it would be so cool.

I sing, and so does my mom. I get it from her.

That’s all I can think of. I may update this occasionally. I don’t know yet.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Uhm... eww?

Okay, so I was going to write some amazing post here [probably] but then I got grossed out. You know when you click Next Blog>> at the top of the page and it takes you to some blog it thinks is related? Lately I have gotten gay sex, infertility, submission, and porn as my genres. WTF!? What am I saying on here that leaves people to believe my blog has ANY of that? And if it did, it would be much more popular. HA. Well... Ew.

It's Love <3

This post is going to be extremely sappy, rambly, and gay. If you have an aversion to any of those, I advise skipping it. It’s a post about my best friend. Her name is Kayla Elise Maldonado. [We have the same middle name, cool huh?] She has been my best friend since the first day of the 3rd grade. I was a new kid at school, which I was used to since I moved a lot, and she came over and talked to me. Then we played at recess. I miss those days. So simple. Anyways, Kayla is still my best friend, ten years later. We have been through everything together. I have severe depression and I am slightly bi-polar, so not many people can put up with me, but she keeps me sane even when I am in the middle of going crazy. She is the one person I can count on through everything, and I trust her more than anyone in the world, even more than my family, because well… She picked me, they’re stuck with me. When I am in a mood when I hate everything and everyone in the world, I talk to her. She makes everything better by just listening. She is the only person in my life who will just listen and not try to fix everything, and I love that. Kayla and I have stuck by each other through everything these past ten years. And we have honestly only had one serious fight. And that was even just me being stupid and overreacting. Kayla is the most patient, caring, smart, and wonderful people I know. I have no idea where I would be in my life now if it wasn’t for her pulling me through. When I moved to Indiana, my dad wouldn’t let me call anyone. When he finally let me call someone, I called her, and hearing her voice made me start to bawl. She was at work and she even took the time to talk to me for a little while. I miss her every day, and I hate us being so far away. Her family is going through some really hard times right now, and I hate that I can’t be there with her to help her through it. I love you Kayla Elise, don’t you ever forget that.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Maybe This Time

So basically, I just finished buying the entire Glee CD, and my life is completely.. uhm... complete? That sentence didn't come out right. But anyways... I just read this post that Tony did, and it made me think. It was about dating. And everything he said was completely true. Ok, so I am pretty sure that I am spelling completely wrong. I am huh? All well. As I was saying, Tony gets it. And the post reminded me high school. Good lord I cannot type. I’m fixing it for you but I am missing like half of the letters, and all the other words are spelled wrong. Goodness. I am ADD tonight.

What was I saying? Oh yeah, high school. I dated a lot of guys. I was kind of a whore. Without the kind of. I got to the point during my sophomore and junior years that I could just ignore a guy for a week or so if liked him, then simply smile at him and give him a compliment and he was mine, and would do anything I wanted. I loved the power. Boys, no matter how sweet and innocent a girl looks, she loves the power you give her. I became addicted to it. I would tired of guys very soon after I got them, so most of my relationships didn’t last too long. I was a horrible girlfriend. I was way too flirty, and cheated a lot. I am not quite sure how I got all of those guys to go crazy over me in retrospect. I was horrible.

Anyways, you heard my boyfriend history. That’s a story all of its own. I finally did fall in love with Sam. But it couldn’t keep me from cheating. I hated myself, but I couldn’t stop. I saw good looking boys everywhere I looked, and would imagine the ways I could get them to want me, what I would do to torture them. Because I loved it, the torture part. The part where they were obsessed with the chase, or what they thought was a chase. Really it was me manipulating them. I loved it, and I am pretty sure most girls do it a few times in their lives.

Then I moved to Indiana with my dad. Which is a horrible story, I’m putting off all of the horrible stories huh? Anyways… I was still a whore. There weren’t as many guys in the little small town in Indiana though. But I still kept up the games. Until I met Michael. I met him while I was dating this kid Jake, who I liked, but he was just a game. [A very fun one too. I got him to leave his girlfriend for me. Yes, I know I am a horrible person. Shut up.] But when I met Michael, or Finley as everyone knew him as, I couldn’t see anyone else. I tried to trap him, and it didn’t work. He was 3 steps ahead of me the whole time. He made me chase him. Not to mention he was gorgeous, and funny, and sweet. I was screwed.

I did end up dating him on and off for a long time. I loved him head over heels. When I was with him, I never saw any other guys. I only saw him. It was amazing. A total transformation of the whore to the loving girlfriend. Unfortunately, he wasn’t as changed. He was a man-whore. He cheated, he lied, he was cheap, and he treated me like shit. I didn’t even see it for a long time, I was too blinded by love and by all of his good qualities that I didn’t see the bad ones. I broke up with him so many times, but he kept crawling back and I kept falling for it. Over and over and over. At one point when he decided to start speaking to me again he had a new girlfriend. He didn’t even tell me about her. He cheated on her with me. I didn’t even find out until much later. When I found out we were at a movie theatre about 20 miles away from where I lived. I started walking home. He chased after me, and convinced me all over again. By the end of our relationship I was a wreck. What finally made me realize what exactly was going on was on one of our ‘dates’. He was trying to win me back so he took me to my favorite restaurant, Olive Garden. He said he would pay. He was too cheap, and made me pay for most of it. He also promised we’d go to a movie, but we didn’t do that either. It was ‘too expensive’. I think we ended up having bad sex in the back of his P.O.S. car behind some store. Hobby Lobby if I remember correctly. After that, I just couldn’t deny it. He was bad for me, and he wasn’t going to change. So I ended it for good.

So I totally get what Tony is getting at, and it is totally true. You meet someone and they totally knock you on your ass. Just make sure when you land there you keep your eyes open.

Update: I just looked up completely on Word and apparently I was spelling it right, yay me.

Update x2: I figured you should know what he looks like, so you can feel my pain. Plus, I would love to brag. Sorry about the terrible quality.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Today is a better day... mostly. I'm still on iffy grounds with part of it. I texted my old best friend last night, because I am apparently an idiot. His name is Kevin and he's freaking hillarious. But we drifted at the beginning of the year. It was mostly because I am a jealous bitch. ANYWAYS. I texted him and we both blame each other for what happened. So now i'm sad. But it's much better than last night's sad.

Now that that's out: I will write a cute post about basically nothing. And you will love it. :]

My grocery list: (Reasons in green)
  • Applesauce Because I can't swallow pills, so I crush them up and put them in applesauce. It works. Shut up.
  • Cups of noodles I eat these like nobody's business. It's m staple food.
  • Oreos Because who doesn't love oreos??
  • Book(s?) I read really fast. Like I read the last Harry Potter book in a day, and that wasn't just because I am a huge HP nerd. I read all the time, and always have a book.
  • Rain boots It's rainy season. Plus they are way cute.
  • Laundry sheets Because I use those 3in1 sheets, so I don't have to deal with the stupid liquid, because I always spill it. Always.  And I only have like 2 washes left.
  • Hand soap For our jonette. I'm not sure why it's called a jonette. It's a toilet and sink in between my dorm and our suite mate's dorm. Fun.
  • Weights To make muscle. And lost fat.
  • Yoga mat For yoga like excersises. And sleeping on the floor.
  • Medicine ball Working out. I am on this get Julia skinny kick.
  • Exfoliant Because my face gets dry and flaky in cold weather. And looks ew.
Well, wasn't that interesting. I'm curious to see whether or not the green shows up. Becuase I wonder about pointless things like that. Good stuff.

Now... onto the good part. I have this new obsession, well... not so new, with a website called MILA. AKA My Life is Average. It's a spoof of FML, and it is way funny. Now... to some of my favorites:

Today, my sisters were talking about how everyone they know (including themselves) was getting pregnant. One said "There must be something in the air," As my dad was passing by, he just stopped and said "Yeah. Your legs." and went back to what he was doing. MLIA

Today, I was standing at a bus stop with my friend and I violently sneezed. All of a sudden a car came out of nowhere and a guy yelled "BLESS YOU!" out the window. I sneezed again, he pulled a U-Turn and blessed me one more time. Thank you kind stranger. MLIA.

Today, my friends and I went to Starbucks wearing our Harry Potter scarves, hats, and ties. As the worker handed me my cup he leaned in and whispered,"Off to Hogwarts?" I said,"Yeah actually." Later I looked at my recipt not only was everything priced way less than it usually is but there was a note that read, "See you there." Soul. Mate.

Today, some men whistled at me when I walked down the street. I'm a male. I felt pretty. MLIA

Today, I realized that FML is categorized into eight categories; love, money, kids, work, health, intimacy, miscellaneous, and dating horror stories. If MLIA were to have categories, I believe that our eight would be; harry potter, wal-mart, hating twilight, random strangers, soul mates, marriage proposals, awesome parents, and school. MLIA

Today, my engineering professor brought his computer up on the projector. Everyone went "awwww" at his desktop background, which was of his 5 young kids. He turned around, looked at the picture, then turns back and said "And that, kids, is why you should always use a condom," and went right back to teaching. MLIA

Today, I was reading MLIA and it was about sending bananas in the mail. I'm a mailman, and so far I have delivered five bananas all to different people. Thank you MLIA for making my job a little more exciting.MLIA.

Today, my friend has his appendix taken out. His mother and I were sharing a box of Gobstoppers while we waited for him to wake up from the anesthesia, and after pouring a few pieces into my hand, I dropped one. Upon the candy hitting the floor, my friend, who was still very much asleep, sat straight up in bed, said, "Who's wasting candy?" and laid back down. His mother and I couldn't stop laughing, and he has no memory of it at all. MLIA.

A while ago I introduced my father to my first boyfriend. The only thing my dad said to him was "If you hurt my daughter, remember I have a shovel and woods. No one will find the body." Several months later, he broke up with me. Today, my dad and I were at Home Depot buying a shovel. my ex saw us, and my dad pointed to the shovel. The look on my ex's face was priceless. MLIA

Today, a customer by the name of Victor Krumm called my work. Hesitantly, I asked him if he was familiar with Harry Potter. There was a pause, then he said in a worried, hushed tone, “Damn! The muggles know!” And hung up. I still don’t know what he was calling for originally. MLIA.

Today, my English teacher told us we had to write an essay on what we wanted to be when we were little. Most of the girls wrote Princesses,and most of the boys wrote race-car drivers. I was looking through my diary when I was 6...apparently I wanted to marry Big Bird, raise an army of mutant gummy worms, and take over Candyland. I got 100% and a Pokèmon sticker. MLIA

A few months ago I told my friend I hated the letter E. I didn't have a reason why I just did not like it. For my birthday he got me a book that had the front and back covers torn off. Today, when I finished the book I went to him and said something seems weird about this book. He handed me the front cover. The book was tittled "Gadsby: A Story of Over 50,000 Words Without Using the Letter "E". MLIA.

Today, I asked my girlfriend of three years to marry me. She said no. Feeling hurt and confused I nodded and got up from kneeling, only to see her get down on her knee and propose to me with a ring-pop. I accepted. MLIA

Today, I went chainsaw shopping with my dad. We were looking at electric ones, but my dad complained about how he can't go on a murderous rampage while attached to a wall. The looks on the surrounding customers made my day. I love my dad. MLIA

Today, I decided to have some fun at the mall by walking up to random women, and saying in a stern voice, "I know about the affair." Four said they didn't know what I was talking about, five begged me not to tell their husbands, and three women paid me off. New hobby? I think so. MLIA

Today, my friend and I said hello to a man with a hook for a hand. I immediately hung my jacket on his hook before walking away without another word to him. My friend looked horrified and apologized profusely for me. I don't think I'll tell her that he's my dad, and I have coat rack privileges. MLIA

Today, while talking to my girlfriend via webcam we decided to have a staring contest. While it was happening, I noticed that there was a button to freeze the video. I won. MLIA

Today, I was looking at the warning label on my new matress, it said; WARNING: Please do not attempt to swallow. I am wondering how many people have tried to swallow a twin sized matress and how it worked out for them. MLIA

Today, I tried out number 17 in the 333 ways to get kicked out of walmart : Go up to an employee and in a official tone say "code three in house ware" and see what which he replied, 'By God, they need me!' and took off running. MLIA

Today, I read that when NASA first started sending astronauts in space they discovered that ball point pens didn't work in zero gravity. They spent a decade and 12 billion dollars to develop a pen that would write in zero gravity, upside down, under water, on any surface and tempatures that reached 300 degrees below zero. The Russians used a pencil. MLIA

Today, I realized that if you set the iGoogle theme to the "Beach" option, then at 3:14 AM every morning, the Loch Ness Monster surfaces for 1 minute, then at 3:15 dives back under. MLIA

Today, I read a story on MLIA that if you put your headphones in your nose and play your ipod really loud, you can hear the music through your mouth. I decided to try this myself. My mom walked into my room when I had my headphones in both nostrils while Sexyback was playing out of my mouth. She took one look at me and backed out slowly. MLIA

Today, two of my friends put two action figures on the ground in the hall at school. As my whole grade crowded around the action figures and screamed "fight fight fight" the teachers plowed through us to break up the "fight". There faces were pricless when they found it was superman and batman. MLIA

Today, while replacing an old fridge in my garage for a bigger one, I left the old one in the open garage while I took a phone call. When I came back not more than 10 minutes later, not only was the old fridge gone, but whoever took it had completely stocked the new one with soda and beer, leaving a note saying "Hope this pays for it". MLIA

Today, I was standing in line at Starbucks. I was unsure of what to order until I overheard the woman in front of me order a cup filled entirely of whipped cream for her toddler. Not only have I found the world's best Mom, I've also discovered my new favourite drink. MLIA.

Today, I was bored doing history homework. I decided to see what happens on Google Maps when you route from California to Taiwan. It told me to kayak across the Pacific ocean for 2750 miles. I have a new goal in life. MLIA


And as a parting gesture in this ridiculously long post:

Monday, November 9, 2009

Cancer boy

I'm a bitch. Plus I am having a horrible day. So i'm going to write a very depressing post that you won't care about, but it will make me feel better (dammit). Most people assume that they are depressed. I'm not sure why, but the general population of American thinks that having a bad day every once in a while MUST be depression. I think it is because of all of the WebMD like sites that make every person alive a hypochondriac. But anyways. I actually do have depression. Severe. It didn't used to be severe, but it developed as I got older and went through more horror. I ran out of my anti-depressants [aka Happy Medicine] on Friday. The pharmacy says that the medicine is on manufacturer backorder. Which basically means that I will be living without it for a while. Which means that I am going to get more and more bitchy and more and more weepy and more and more wordy apparently. This is not a good thing. Because even with my happy medicine, i'm a mild depressive. I get messed up over the littlest things.

Now that I am done with the backstory, today was a bad day. I don't really know why. Maybe it was because I had to stay up until midnight last night writing a paper I forgot about. Or because it takes me a long time to fall asleep, and right after I had, my roommate came back. Take into account that it is now 4 am. I had gotten about an hours worth of sleep at this point. She decided to bang around and turn all of the lights on and even made the microwave beep a few times somehow. Then I had to try to fall back to sleep. And I woke up at about 7. So I got 2 hours of sleep last night. Which is not good. Not for anyone. I don't function well without sleep. I get worse than usual. To keep myself awake in math I wrote my little sister, Moo, a letter.

The day got a little better after. I even got to go to dinner with my two loves, Amanda and Lily. Those girls make me laugh like nobody's business. I'll put up some of what I mean another time. But after, I got on Facebook. And my sister's ex boyfriend had gotten on this FB page they made together for school [it was Stalin's facebook, funny? NO.] and he was calling me fat while pretending to be her. This was the last straw. Cancer boy is going to die. And no, that is not in a jokey way. I went in and started crying to Amanda, after already crying to my mom on the phone of course, and that didn't help. So i'm taking the mature way out and starting a Facebook war. Which is completely fair because i'm and 18 year old professional bitch, and he's a 16 year old with a brain tumor. I don't know why but I keep typing toumor. Tis getting on my nerves.

Well, I have vented and feel better. I think i'll go cry myself to sleep now.

There will be a less depressing post soon. Sorry for subjecting you to that.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I found this

Well... ok. Tony found it. But I love it.


That is all.

Update: Ok, so I just realized that it said Adam West. Was that a real person? I have never seen a Batman movie in any form, not even the Dark Knight all the way through. I'm sorry America. But I always thought Adam West was just some made up crazy guy for the Fairly Odd Parents show. Hmm..

All Hallows Eve

Halloween was an interesting experience. The girls and I all got dressed up to go party, then we stood at the bus stop for a half hour. Aly then decided she felt to shitty to go out. And so did Kirsten. And I had injured my back, so we went back inside and got Saw to watch. I then bowed out because a. I can't stand scary movies and b. My back hurt so bad I felt like crying, so I went to bed. We all looked cute though. Except me. I looked ridiculous. But that's ok with me.

That's the enitre group. We look good huh?

And that is me.
Looking like a ridiculous child who is trying to be intimidating.
This is what happens when I try to look sexy.
All well.

So anyways, it was a bust of a good drinking night, but there will be more Halloweens.

Anyways... There are these clocks on my campus. They are big and red and play pretty songs every 15 minutes. Every clock is slightly different. And they are dedicated by a class to a school. Since I am in the class of 2013, I figured that if we survive, we should dedicate a clock. You know, since the world is supposed to end on Dec. 21, 2012. Which is our senior year. Which sucks. But I digress.

Oh, I just thought I could show you what the clocks look like.

Pretty huh?
I took that myself.